What is Third-Party Penetration Testing & Its Benefits

third-party penetration testing

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third-party penetration testing

Third-party penetration testing has emerged as a critical component of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. This article delves into third-party penetration testing and compares it with in-house pen testing, exploring its importance, benefits, and how to select a reliable provider.

What is third-party penetration testing?

Third-party penetration testing involves engaging an external company with specialised expertise to simulate real-world cyber attacks on an organisation’s systems, networks, or applications. The primary objective is identifying security vulnerabilities malicious actors could exploit to gain unauthorised access or compromise sensitive data.

Unlike internal security assessments, third-party penetration tests bring a fresh, unbiased perspective to evaluating an organisation’s security posture. These external experts approach the task without preconceived notions about internal systems, allowing them to mimic the tactics of real-world attackers more effectively.

In house vs Third-party penetration testing

In-house penetration testing consists of the internal security team, which has the company processes, culture, people, and tech controls know-how. This does not equate to the same level of impartial view of the security controls validation as independent testing.

3rd party penetration testing providers approach your web applications, network infrastructure, and IT systems as an outsider, mimicking the tactics of a real-world attacker. Also, outsourcing penetration testing to a reliable provider can free up the internal security team to focus on day-to-day operations and more strategic areas. This unbiased perspective can be crucial for uncovering critical vulnerabilities that an internal team might miss.

Why third party penetration testing is important?

While internal security teams can be vital in protecting your organisation, third-party penetration testing offers a distinct advantage: a fresh perspective.

Internal teams may have blind spots or miss vulnerabilities due to familiarity with the system. External penetration testing company brings a different set of eyes and employ a broader range of tools and techniques, providing a more comprehensive assessment of your security posture.

third-party penetration testing

There are numerous benefits to be gained from utilising third-party penetration testing services:

Fresh, Unbiased Perspective

One of the primary benefits of third-party penetration testing is the fresh perspective it brings. External testers approach your systems without prior knowledge or access, allowing them to:

  • Identify blind spots: Internal teams may overlook vulnerabilities due to familiarity with the system.
  • Provide an objective assessment: Third-party testers offer an unbiased evaluation of your security posture.
  • Employ diverse techniques: External testers often use a broader range of tools and methods, resulting in a more comprehensive assessment.

Realistic Attack Simulation

Third-party penetration testers can more accurately simulate real-world attacks as they approach your systems from an outsider’s perspective. This approach allows them to:

  • Uncover a wide range of security weaknesses, Including misconfigurations, software bugs, and vulnerabilities in access controls.
  • Test the effectiveness of existing security measures: By attempting to breach defences using methods similar to those employed by actual threat actors.

Compliance and Regulatory Requirements

Many industries have regulations that require organisations to conduct regular security assessments. Third-party penetration testing can help:

  • Demonstrate compliance: By providing independent verification of your security measures.
  • Avoid potential penalties: By ensuring your organisation meets regulatory standards.


Engaging a third-party penetration testing service can be more cost-effective than maintaining an in-house team. Benefits include:

  • Access to specialised expertise: Without the need for ongoing training and certification costs.
  • Reduced overhead: Eliminating the need for internal tooling and full-time salaries.
  • Flexible scheduling: Allowing for periodic assessments without the expense of a permanent team.
risk equation likelihood multipled by impact

Cyber attacks are not a matter of if, but when. Be prepared.

Box-ticking approach to penetration tests is long gone. We help you identify, analyse and remediate vulnerabilities so you don’t see the same pentest report next time.

Improved Security Posture

Third-party penetration testing strengthens your overall security posture by identifying and addressing vulnerabilities. This improvement:

  • Reduces the risk of successful cyber attacks By closing security gaps before they can be exploited.
  • Helps prioritise security investments By focusing resources on the most critical vulnerabilities.

Services that a 3rd party penetration company offers

Third-party penetration testing companies offer various services to suit your specific needs. These may include:

Web application penetration testing

This service identifies vulnerabilities in your web applications that attackers could exploit to gain unauthorised access or steal data.

💡Read more: Web app penetration testing

Mobile application penetration testing

This service identifies vulnerabilities in your mobile applications that attackers could exploit to steal data or gain control of devices.

💡Read more: Mobile application penetration testing

Cloud penetration testing

Cloud penetration testing service assesses the security of your cloud-based infrastructure and applications.

SaaS Penetration testing

SaaS Penetration testing involves assurance of SaaS solutions, portals, applications, or tenants before onboarding from 3rd party penetration testing companies.

Network penetration testing

Network penetration testing service assesses the security of your network infrastructure, including firewalls, routers, and other network devices.

Social engineering testing

This service evaluates your employees’ susceptibility to social engineering attacks, such as phishing emails or pretext calls.

How do you choose a 3rd party penetration testing provider?

Choosing the right third-party penetration testing company is crucial for optimising your organisation’s security due to the ever-changing technology landscape.

third-party penetration testing

Consider these key factors when evaluating potential providers:

Proven Reputation and Expertise

Look for companies with an established track record in the industry. Positive customer reviews and recommendations are strong indicators of quality service. Verify the company’s reputation through references, CREST, and other professional memberships.


The expertise of the penetration testers is paramount. Prioritise companies that do not just present experienced penetration testers for scoping calls but are also responsible for delivering the same work. Pen test providers often cite common excuses, such as changes in schedule, availability issues, etc, for not deploying experienced pen testers reserved for ‘other’ customers. Certifications are necessary but also look for sector-specific and contextual know-how of the consultants that are more than a technical mind.

Compliance Expertise

If your organisation needs to comply with specific industry regulations (e.g., PCI DSS, HIPAA, GDPR), ensure your chosen pen testing company has experience with compliance audits. This expertise translates to a deeper understanding of the audit process and best practices. They can tailor their methodology to align with compliance criteria, ensuring a smoother audit experience.

Continuous Testing Options

Traditional penetration testing, often a one-time event, may not provide the most effective security posture. Consider companies that offer options for scheduled and ad-hoc automated penetration testing or vulnerability assessments based on your agreement. This continuous testing approach strengthens your security throughout the entire Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), helping you maintain compliance year-round and feed directly into the vulnerability management lifecycle.

Transparent Methodology and Reporting

Choose a provider that follows a well-defined, industry-standard methodology for their penetration tests. They should be able to clearly explain their approach and provide detailed, actionable reports that are easy for both technical and non-technical stakeholders to understand.

Legal considerations when opting for third-party penetration testing

To ensure a smooth and secure process, there are substantial legal considerations to address before engaging a testing company:

Formal Agreement

A legally binding contract, often called a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), is essential. This agreement should clearly define the following:

  • Scope of Testing: This outlines which systems and applications will be tested, ensuring the pen testers focus on authorised areas.
  • Acceptable Testing Methods: Specifying acceptable penetration testing methodologies helps avoid unintended consequences, such as system disruptions.
  • Data Confidentiality Procedures: Robust data confidentiality procedures are crucial to safeguard sensitive information during testing. The NDA should clearly outline how the pen testing company will handle and protect your data.


Ensure the penetration testing company obtains explicit written authorisation to conduct the tests. This demonstrates your awareness and approval of the testing activities.

Compliance Requirements

If your organisation adheres to specific industry regulations, verify that the chosen pen testing company understands these requirements. This ensures the testing methodology aligns with compliance criteria and avoids potential issues during audits.

Liability and Insurance

Discuss liability issues and ensure the testing company has appropriate insurance coverage to protect both parties in case of unforeseen incidents during the testing process.

Data Handling and Retention

Clearly define how the testing company will handle and retain any data collected during the assessment, including timelines for data destruction after the engagement concludes.

By addressing these legal considerations upfront, you can ensure a secure and productive 3rd party penetration testing experience.

How much does a third-party penetration test cost?

The standard cost for third-party pen tests ranges between £3500-£8000 for small to medium-sized organisations in terms of infrastructure. For web applications, this can vary from £3000-£6000 for small to medium-sized applications. For larger environments and scoping requirements, the costs change accordingly, and you should read the factors below as to why it happens.

The cost of third-party penetration testing can vary significantly depending on several factors:

  1. Size and Complexity of Your IT Infrastructure: Larger and more complex IT environments typically require more extensive testing, leading to higher costs.
  2. Scope of the Testing: The specific areas being tested (web applications, network infrastructure, cloud environments, etc.) will influence the overall cost. More comprehensive testing will naturally be more expensive due to the time and effort allocated towards the project.
  3. Experience Level of Penetration Testers: Highly experienced penetration testers typically command higher fees, but their expertise can be invaluable in identifying critical vulnerabilities. Cyphere operates a one-price model irrespective of the size of the project.
  4. Testing Frequency: One-time assessments are generally less expensive than ongoing or continuous testing engagements. However, this can be negotiated with a continuous penetration testing agreement rather than providing evaluations ad-hoc, attracting new costs.
  5. Reporting and Remediation Support: More detailed reports and extensive post-testing support for remediation efforts may increase the overall cost.
  6. Industry-Specific Requirements: Certain industries with stringent compliance requirements may necessitate more specialised testing, potentially increasing costs.

Finding the right balance between cost and effectiveness is key. While budget is important, remember that a well-conducted penetration test can identify and address vulnerabilities that could lead to costly data breaches and reputational damage.

Why can you trust us to enhance your security posture?

At Cyphere, we understand the ever-evolving cyber threat landscape and the critical role penetration testing plays in safeguarding your organisation. Here’s why you can trust us to elevate your security posture:

  • Experienced and Certified Team: Our team comprises highly skilled and certified penetration testers with extensive experience across diverse industries. Their expertise ensures a comprehensive and practical assessment of your vulnerabilities.
  • Proven Methodology: We utilise a well-established and proven penetration testing methodology, ensuring consistency and thoroughness throughout the testing process.
  • Clear Communication: We prioritise clear and transparent communication. You’ll be informed throughout the testing process, from initial planning to final reporting.
  • Detailed Reporting: We deliver comprehensive reports tailored to your audience. In-depth technical reports for your security team and concise executive summaries for management keep everyone informed and empowered to take action.
  • Remediation Guidance: Our reports go beyond simply identifying vulnerabilities. We provide strategic and tactical recommendations and guidance to assist your team in prioritising and effectively remediating these weaknesses.
  • Focus on Partnership: We view ourselves as your partner in security, not just a service provider. We are committed to your long-term success and can offer ongoing support and guidance to help you maintain a robust security posture.

💡Additionally, Cyphere can offer:

  • Customisation: We tailor our testing approach to your needs and industry regulations.
  • Continuous Testing Options: We offer options for scheduled, regression, and ad-hoc penetration testing, providing a more comprehensive view of your security posture over time.
  • Compliance Expertise: Our team understands industry compliance requirements and can ensure your testing aligns with relevant regulations.

By choosing Cyphere, you gain a trusted partner dedicated to helping you identify, address, and prevent security vulnerabilities. Let us confidently empower you to navigate the ever-changing cybersecurity landscape and security contritely.


Picture of Harman Singh

Harman Singh

Harman Singh is a security professional with over 15 years of consulting experience in both public and private sectors. As the Managing Consultant at Cyphere, he provides cyber security services to retailers, fintech companies, SaaS providers, housing and social care, construction and more. Harman specialises in technical risk assessments, penetration testing and security strategy. He regularly speaks at industry events, has been a trainer at prestigious conferences such as Black Hat and shares his expertise on topics such as 'less is more' when it comes to cybersecurity. He is a strong advocate for ensuring cyber security as an enabler for business growth. In addition to his consultancy work, Harman is an active blogger and author who has written articles for Infosecurity Magazine, VentureBeat and other websites.

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